Today, I stumbled upon this article on NPR...
I had no idea how little things have change for the women of afghanistan. It looks as if the progress that has been made is constantly threatened. To sum up the article, it basically says that the afghan government is trying to take control away from independent charities, etc. What this can mean for the women is that the shelters will no longer be a shelter from the violence they are trying to escape. Another thing that stuck out in this article for me was in October an edict by the Afghan Supreme court ruled that women that run away from home can be charged with Prostitution or adultery.
Do a search on Afghan Women's Shelters; there is al lot more information out there.

I don't really know how this whole blog thing works. The only blogs I frequent have been Post Secret and Design Sponge. But I think I finally found a format I like. Simple and organized. Colors could use some work but I've made progress. That's the one productive thing I've done today...