Erika Elyn Creations is the shop of the day over at papernstitch. Check out this curated site and blog! It's one of my favorites for handmade items.
Rain, Rain go away. It will not stop raining here in Pittsburgh. I feel like we had 1 nice day in the past 2 weeks. Though, it is like this every fall. You'd think I'd get used to it by now.
Anyways, what's on the schedule this week for Erika Elyn Creations? Well, if I can get a sunny day, I'm going to take some pictures of more Lawrenceville Petite Purses & Bluff Totes. Then get them posted. I'm in the mist of designing some new business cards and hanging tags for when COMMAbyEEC makes it's official split from Erika Elyn Creations. And I ordered a bunch of interlining last week so when that comes in I'll be making some more Bluff Totes, Lawrenceville Petite Purses and work some on the new collection.
And for this week the featured item will be...(drum roll please)... select Hazelwood Sleeves! They'll be 50% off this week only or until supplies last! Check it out!
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Found this video via pinterest. At first, I thought it was neat. Then I started thinking about it. Does Major League Baseball really buy mud??? You've got to be kidding me. I'm sure the cost is minimal, but really???
Mewithoutyou. Still one of my favorite bands. Oh yes.
Erika Elyn Creations is currently the featured artist over at Cosa Verde. YAY! Check it out!
Every week that I write my Monday post, I'm amazed how time is flying. Amazed. I WILL get the Lawrenceville Petite Purses posted this week. I love them a lot. I'm so proud of them and I don't want to give them up. But... I will. Look for them towards the end of the week.
Also, after much deliberation, I've decided to redesign somewhat the Hazelwood, Oakland, and Shadyside Collections. Upgrade in materials used, mostly, and slight change in design for several items. But above all, they will move into a new shop, COMMAbyEEC. Ascetically, these collections differ than the other collections I offer and I feel it is best to separate the two. I feel it will help market all items better, and make it easier for people to find what they are looking for in these shops. The "official" separation of Erika Elyn Creations & COMMAbyEEC won't happen till next year. I wanted to give you guys a heads up on it and also let this be a segue to this week's featured item........
I have some old inventory I've got to move, now. So from now till the end of the year, the aforementioned collections will be HALF OFF!!!!!! Not all at once, and the items on sale will vary from week to week. This is only while supplies last. This week the Oakland Messenger is half off!!!!! This bag was $38, now it's only $19! This week only!
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This is a friend of friends and interestingly enough, my old college enrollment counselor. He's obviously doing other things these days. I thought I'd give a shout out for him...
October, October. This week means getting everything together for the Appomattox Railroad Festival that's this weekend. I need to finish some hanging tag designs, get them printed. Tag all my items. Get my signage together. And assemble some lovely coat racks I'm going to use to display my bags. I definitely did not get all the stuff made I wanted. But I have enough to bring with me so I'm satisfied. Oh, and I need to get some pictures shot of my new Bluff Totes and start posting them.
Is it lame if I keep the featured item the same as last week? I think I'm going to do that. And keep a look out for the Lawrenceville Petite Purse. It'll arrive in my shop after the festival.
I have a lot debuting in my shop in the months prior to the holidays so keep a eye out for them. The Lawrenceville Petite Purse, the Bluff Tote (only available October-Janurary), and I'll finally get some Hazelwood Clutches posted. It is a busy season, after all.
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I did a post for the Steel Town Etsy Blog on accepting gift certificates. So if you want to know the ins & outs of that for your Etsy Shop this holiday season, check out the post. It's a little lengthy but informative.