Watership Down by Richard Adams
I really struggled with this book at first. But it was highly recommended by my brother and aunt so I pushed through it. I really didn't start enjoying it till about half way through.
I loved Fiver, a rabbit with premonitions. Hazel, the chief rabbit seemed to guide that story. But without BIgwig, a tough rabbit, the story would of never went anywhere. I don't think that Richard Adams had that in mind, but thats how it went. And it results in some dull chapters where Bigwig is unheard from.
I would say if you need an easy read without wanting to invest a lot of time or emotion into a book. Read this one.
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I missed a week in posting. I know and I'm sorry. But I return again with gifts! I want to tell you about all the sales going on Thanksgiving weekend!!!
+Bluff Sleeve BOGO - Coupon Code: BluffBOGO2011
+Hazelwood Messengers $20 OFF - Discount already applied
+Select Shadyside Sleeve 50% Off - Discount already applied
These sales will begin Thursday Night, the 22nd @11pm and will end Monday Night, the 26th @ 11pm. These discounts can not be applied to custom orders. Sorry! But the BOGO is perfect to get a sleeve for you and a friend!
Also, check out the Letter Kay Blog. She's just started this fashion blog and I'm one of her new sponsors! I'm excited to be apart of it. And I learned we both Poison Ivy once for Halloween. We both got the same response from people... no one new who we were. Hahaha.
Check back later this week for some other posts, and maybe, just maybe a new collection preview. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I loved this book. It's a pretty easy read but very thought provoking. The writing style of this book was a little difficult at first. After the first few chapters, it just adds to the story.
In this story, you are thoroughly inside the main characters head. She tell you exactly what she's thinking, every day dream, every memory, every detail of her current and past life. You build a connection with her and by the end of the book I was sorry it was over. I wish this story had a second book so much!
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Monday, Monday, Monday. Today did not feel like a Monday to me. I worked this weekend so I guess I feel like I'm just in one extra long week. Just so everyone knows the Handmade Arcade is this weekend, the 12th to be exact. I'll be there in the evening working at the Etsy booth. Steel Town Etsy is also doing a raffle with tons of great stuff, including some of my own creations. Come by and visit and see the awesome handmade wares as the show!
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Hello, November! This past week was exciting in my family as we welcome my sister's newborn, Aiden Ryan. I'm an aunt for the second time, now. So, I have a niece and a nephew and can't wait to spoil them both rotten. I'm already searching for a nice Harry Potter themed Chirstmas gift for Aiden and have planned to make a Olivia themed gift for Sydney, my niece. I probably won't get to see Aiden till Thanksgiving but my sister has been texting me pictures and my mother posts pictures of him on Facebook pretty often (after a slow start and family reprimands).
I also finally tied down a new job this week. Finally. I can't say that I'm super excited about it but will bring in a much needed cash flow. So, I'm pretty thankful for that. My balancing skill will be surely tested as the holiday shopping season begins for Erika Elyn Creations and working 40 hours a week outside that. We'll see how it goes.
But enough about that. This week featured items are select Shadyside Satchels. They're 50% off this week only or until supplies last. These are one of my most popular items so get them quick, if your interested. I don't anticipate them being stock very long.
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