After a few years of trying, I got accepted to the Handmade Arcade!!!! YAY!!!! Come see me Dec 8th at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Downtown Pittsburgh.
I found this in Target's weekly newpaper ad.
Why does Target have an add associating the word 'great' with a man who beats up his girlfriend and a man who has sex with underage girls?? This is why we, as a society, are failures. Why are we continuing to support men who mistreat women? Their actions have to have consequences. And putting money in their pockets, and allowing them fame only tells them they can get away with it.
Shop Update!!! Get ready for fall with some new Erika Elyn bags and sleeves!
Found this article via a friend. Take a look at it. Any thoughts?
Why Women Still Can't Have It All
It's finally here!!!!!!! The new Oakland Collection is in the Erika Elyn Shop now! Here's some photos below. And for comedic value I've included the ones where I look ridiculous. I actually got some really bad sun burn on my legs and I'm trying to stand in a way the hides it. I think i did it.
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I know this is just a promo. But I'm just so excited for it!
Here's a video I found the other day via Making Senses, a blog done by one of my old professors. Great blog and loved this video. If you don't know a lot about Damien Hirst, it's a great run down of his work. If you love him, then you'll love this, too. If you hate him... well too bad.
Here's some treasuries I was featured in so far this April. Great concept for both of these, I think.
Can't get this song out of my head.
Don't you just want to get up and dance???
No, really. That's how I feel about this...
mewithoutYou New Album!!!!!!
New Sigur Ros Album in May. Do I really have to wait that loooong?
Sigur Rós - Ekki múkk from Sigur Rós on Vimeo.
I'll also have a tutorial posted soon. I had some fun with dye and it was so simple. I'm going to try it one more time so I can give you the fool proof method to the T. Can't wait to share it with you!
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I've really grown to love Lauren Moffatt. Here's a peak at her Fall 2012 stuff.
Lauren Moffatt Fall 2012 Presentation - New York Fashion Week from Lauren Moffatt on Vimeo.
Hi all!! I just got my brand new Wacom Bamboo Create Pen Tablet, today!! I've been wanting one for awhile and I finally took the plunge. I love this guy. I still need a some practice with it but I'm sure using it every day will help. Now that I have this tablet I can finally get to work on rebranding my shop. I've given myself till the end of April to have everything done. So, over the next month and a half you'll see my shop and this blog getting some changes. And don't forget the new collection will be appearing in this time frame, too. It is the inspiration for the new branding and I think it will all fits my own personal style better than the current theme. Soooooo, excited!!! Hope you are too!!!!
love this version. and only this version.
What a busy holiday season!!! But a very good one, at that! Now, I'm getting everything ready for this year. What's on tap?? First, my new collection which will be arriving in April. Super excited about this one. I've been really taking my time working out all the kinks in the design. I love how everything is turning out.
Along, with the new collection, Erika Elyn Creations will be getting a new look around the same time. I think it'll match my personal style a bit better than what the shop looks like now. I love clean lines but I think a more fun look is my style.
Here are some treasuries I was featured in over the past few weeks. Take a look and enjoy!!