Am I the only one who realizes this???

by ErikaElynCreations on Thursday, June 23, 2011

As I surf the pages of Etsy, I can't help notice the Hip Bag Phenomenon.  There are a lot of people making hip bags.  Here's the thing... there is another name for these.  Fanny Packs.  Yes.  The Fanny Pack.  I remember running around Kennywood, a Pittsburgh amusement park, when I was little with a bright green and yellow fanny pack.  I will say the hip bags/fanny packs of today are sleeker and refined.  I know a lot of people put hours of work in designing these things.  I want to tell them, fanny packs weren't ever cool.  Why try and remake them?  Am I the only one who realizes hip bags and fanny packs are the same thing??

Here's a hipbag from Minus.  Minus actually makes some nice things.  So don't judge them by this...


And here's a fanny pack...

They definitely look different ascetically.   But here are some definitions I found.  The first definition is from wikipedia and the second urban dictionary...

1.  Fanny Pack : A small pouch on a belt, for money and small articles, worn around the waist or hips
2.   Hip Bag:  A small bag worn around waist.

You be the judge.  Hip Bag = Fanny Pack ?????

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