I am a self proclaimed bookworm. I love reading. I like good stories. Stories that are very fantiful (is that even a word? fantiful: full of fantasy; elaborate; or intricate. There... now it's a word). I always have a long 'To Read' List. I'd see a book and think "oh I need to read that after the one I'm reading now." Of course, I forget about it, start reading something else and see it again and say the same thing.
Then I found Library Thing. Heaven sent. You can catalog all your books. Books you want to read, books you've read, books you own, your book wish list, etc. I used it to keep a list of 'To Reads' and books that I've read. This also staved my unnecessary need to buy the book; so I could have a little trophy after to have proof that I read it. Now, I just go to the library and mark it on Library Thing and I can still have some kind of trophy. Hahaha. It also recommends books to you, which I love!
A few months ago I found Good Reads. Which is essentially the same thing. It has a sleeker cleaner look, and has this super fun quote page. It has so many quotes. I could read it for hours... and has inspired several ideas for laptop sleeves.
But now I can't decide which one I want to use! I'm so torn. Hahaha. I feel this loyalty to Library Thing but Good Reads has this cleaner look and has more details about authors. So, as of right now my reading lists reflect how torn I feel. My 'To Read' is on Good Reads and what I have read is up on Library Thing.
If anyone has a Library Thing or a Good Reads account you can find me under the username 'Erikuda'. Take a look at what I'm reading these days and feel free to recommend!!!!
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