New Collection Preview: Help me name it!!!

by ErikaElynCreations on Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I've named 5 collections already.  I don't need to name another.  People are always asking me when are you making the 'insert your neighborhood here' Collection????  Well, now is your chance.  I want your input on the new collection name!  Just click your choice in the poll on the right column.  This should be fun!

Vote for the Shadyside Backpack!

by ErikaElynCreations

Not to long ago I was introduced to the Handmade Gift Guide.  A treasury I was featured in was posted on their blog.  I immediately loved the site.  What a great idea!!  The treasuries they post are always well themed and the gift guides aren't half bad either.  Hahaha.  I submitted my Shadyside Backpack to the Handmade Vote!  Shoot on over to the Handmade Gift Guide and vote for my Shadyside Backpack (#31)!  I'm only one vote behind the leader and 2 from being in the lead!!  Thanks!


It's Monday!

by ErikaElynCreations on Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Monday again!  I feel like these past few weeks have gone by quite quickly.  This week I'm offering an extra entry in the Union Giveaway for yourself when you refer someone to the giveaway!  The giveaway only applies to Union Students, sorry everyone else!!!  Check out the giveaway details HERE.  

This week I'll begin sewing like crazy to build up some inventory for upcoming Holiday Handmade Shows.  Wondering if I'll be near you?  Check the events section!  And I'll be updating that as time passes and get accepted to different shows.  I'll be selling several items from the new collection.  Just to test the response out and see what suggestions people may make.

New Collection Preview: Doodles and Such

by ErikaElynCreations on Thursday, August 25, 2011

As some of you may already know, I have begun to design a new collection that will come out some time in the early months of 2012.  I'm still searching for the perfect neighborhood to name it after.  In the running thus far are Perry, Polish Hill, and Southside.  I'm leaning toward the Perry or Polish Hill.  We'll see though.  Have any thoughts?
I thought I could let you guys get a sneak peak and follow the design process.  This will be the first post of many to preview the new collection.  Feel free to give some input along the way!  Here are some photos of my preliminary doodles and a test swatch.

I've been ignoring Flickr

by ErikaElynCreations on Wednesday, August 24, 2011

After ignoring my Flickr for months, today I started cleaning it up.  I'm in the process of adding some new photos and organizing them so you can navigate a little better through them.  People have been ordering some really lovely and fun color combinations.  Since I can't list them all, and only have so many pictures I can post on Etsy, I thought I could better utilize Flickr.  Now, you can see some of the great items people have been ordering.  Though, I must admit that some of the pictures are a little rough.  They are from when I just started taking my own photos.  I think I've come far but still have a looooooooong way to go.  I'll continue working on cleaning up my Flickr over the next few days and hopefully I'll be done by the end of the week!

Featured item for the week of 8/22

by ErikaElynCreations on Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Monday!  Today at Erika Elyn Creations, I got a load of much needed supplies in.  My original plans for the day got thrown out the window as I tried to find room for everything.  So I've spent most of the day cleaning and reorganizing.  I did manage to shoot some pictures of a new Bluff Sleeve.  It's the first item out of my new Jungle Lines (Joni Mitchell anyone?) Fabric.  I only purchased a tiny bit of it so... hurry,  before it runs out!  It'll be this weeks featured item and I'll offer 10% off any Bluff Sleeve!  Use coupon code: JUNGLELINES8222011

GoodReads Review for Brisingr

by ErikaElynCreations on Sunday, August 21, 2011

Brisingr (Inheritance, #3)Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Eragon was dull, Eldest was okay, and Brisingr was entertaining. This is my favorite book in the Inheritance Cycle so far and hopefully the last book will be even better.

Paolini's vocabulary is put to good use. He likes to make sure every chapter has a word that you've forgotten existed. Each character has their own burdens in this book and Paolini does a good job weaving them in and out of each other. The pacing of this book is far better than when he began the Cycle, but still needs some polishing and some chapters were unnecessary and should have went to the cutting room floor. As always, Paolini gives the book a exciting ending leaving ready for the next book.

View all my reviews

Team HIP August Treasury

by ErikaElynCreations

It may be August 21st, but I finally did my Team HIP monthly treasury.  I chose purple, green, and orange items.  A color combination I have always found under-utilized.  I think it came out quite nicely.  :)

New Lawrenceville Sleeve-Dashes for Autumn

by ErikaElynCreations on Thursday, August 18, 2011

Since I got a good response on my last 'Dashes' sleeve, I decided to make another.  I love this design because it is so simple yet the colors always make the sleeve pop.  Its a great look and is quite unique.  I remembered to take some pictures during construction, too!  So, take a look at the Dashes for Autumn Listing!

The Coffee Ring Effect

by ErikaElynCreations on Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Handmade Gift Guide

by ErikaElynCreations

Hey Everyone!  I just wanted to let you guys know that a treasury I was featured in made it onto the Handmade Gift Guide Blog.  Check it out....

Handmade Gift Guide Treasury Collection

Featured Item for the week of 8/15

by ErikaElynCreations on Monday, August 15, 2011

Hello Everyone!  Happy Monday.  It's been a busy day here in the Erika Elyn Creations studio.  This week's featured item will be the NEW Shadyside Backpack.  I'm super excited about this bag.  I had the idea for it for awhile.  It's been through several design changes and modifications but it's finally finished and perfect.  I wish I had this bag when I was in school!  Check out the listing, and I hope you like it as much as I do.

Featured item for the week of 8/8

by ErikaElynCreations on Monday, August 8, 2011

Featured item(s) for the week of 8/8...
Anything in Brown or Seaweed!​253601/new-hazelwood-messenger​-brown-with

Use coupon code: BrownSeaweed882011 for 10% off and brown or seaweed colored item!

Design & Construction: The Shadyside Backpack

by ErikaElynCreations on Saturday, August 6, 2011

Design on the Shadyside Backpack is underway.  I'm really proud of how it's coming along.  I snapped a picture yesterday of it mid construction.  The design still needs some tinkering but I'm aiming for this Monday for it's release.  Let me know what you think!

Library Thing vs. Good Reads

by ErikaElynCreations on Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I am a self proclaimed bookworm.  I love reading.  I like good stories.  Stories that are very fantiful (is that even a word?  fantiful:  full of fantasy; elaborate; or intricate.  There... now it's a word).  I always have a long 'To Read' List.  I'd see a book and think "oh I need to read that after the one I'm reading now."  Of course, I forget about it, start reading something else and see it again and say the same thing.
Then I found Library Thing.  Heaven sent.  You can catalog all your books.  Books you want to read, books you've read, books you own, your book wish list, etc.  I used it to keep a list of 'To Reads' and books that I've read.  This also staved my unnecessary need to buy the book; so I could have a little trophy after to have proof that I read it.  Now, I just go to the library and mark it on Library Thing and I can still have some kind of trophy.  Hahaha.   It also recommends books to you, which I love!
A few months ago I found Good Reads.  Which is essentially the same thing.  It has a sleeker cleaner look, and has this super fun quote page.  It has so many quotes.  I could read it for hours... and has inspired several ideas for laptop sleeves.
But now I can't decide which one I want to use!  I'm so torn.  Hahaha.  I feel this loyalty to Library Thing but Good Reads has this cleaner look and has more details about authors.  So, as of right now my reading lists reflect how torn I feel.  My 'To Read' is on Good Reads and what I have read is up on Library Thing.
If anyone has a Library Thing or a Good Reads account you can find me under the username 'Erikuda'.  Take a look at what I'm reading these days and feel free to recommend!!!!

Featured item of the week of 8/1

by ErikaElynCreations on Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello everyone!  Happy Monday.  I'm here in the studio trying to retake some pictures for some of my items. I decided to take a break (mostly because I need to recharge my camera's batteries. haha) and write this post  for this weeks featured item.
This week's featured item is the Oakland Messenger in Seaweed.  I've gotten a great response to the Oakland messenger since I released it.  I love this bag.  A lot.  It's the bag I've been using for my day to day.  I carry an off-white messenger and I can wear it without having to worry if it matches.  It's perfect.

I'll be offering a coupon code for this week's featured item as well... Coupon Code for 10% off Oakland Messengers ONLY: OAKMES812011