A Very Unproductive Day...

by ErikaElynCreations on Friday, September 9, 2011

        Well, it was probably 5:30pm before a managed to get out of bed today thanks to something we like to call a migraine. Thankfully, I'm all caught up on orders so I was able to sleep until I was feeling a bit better. I'm still a bit fuzzy though. I went into the bathroom and hit the light switch about half a dozen times wondering why the light wasn't going on. It wasn't going on because I was hitting the switch to the fan not the light. Maybe, I'll just work on my September Team HIP Treasury tonight and not tackle any sewing. Best to avoid any silly mistakes.... again. ;)
        You may have also noticed I have a new Blog Layout/Design. I wasn't to fond of the old one and I'm not 100% enamored with this design but I think it'll due until I find something I like a bit better. I also changed up my shop banner and it now features my Shadyside Backpack. I just really love that backpack. Hahaha.
        In other exciting news, the Shadyside Backpack has been blogged! And not by me! Find the post over at Maddy Anne Designs. Her shopping for pretend posts are really fun. I love the jacket she chose and the colors all look great together. A great blog all together, really.
        I know I wanted to say a few more things, but I really just can't think of them right now. Keep checking back here. I should have a new collection preview soon, and don't forget to vote for the name of it!

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